Sunday, November 17, 2013

Facebook; Complainbook

I have always noticed how much people are willing to share on social media. We do not care about who is reading our posts, looking at our pictures, or responding to our tweets. Not only that, but I feel that on Facebook we have some boundary issues, it has become a tell all book about our problems and feelings that quite frankly, I do not believe many people care about.

Many people that I follow on Facebook will go on a huge rants about things like family issues, or problems with their ex's. I am now seeing why your ex left you and doesn't want to speak to you anymore, you're irritating and want the world to hear your issues. When some complain about their family problems that gets annoying too, I'm sorry your moms meatloaf was not up to par tonight but no one needs a ten page long journal entry on the "issue".

Another thing people tend to post a lot on social networking is things about the weather. Most of the people I follow I think truly believe that their Facebook friends and Instagram followers don't possess windows. Believe it or not we are all aware when it is hot, cold, snowing or raining. I also have the capability of looking outside and seeing the sky when it is dusk, but yet when I go to my Instagram feed I have ten pictures of the sunset.

Last but not least on my list of annoying social media habits is political rants. I will never understand why we cannot just choose to leave each other alone on these issues. Who cares which party you like? Either way we are going to be in debt, have an overweight society, and an enormous unemployment level.

So all I ask of your readers is to keep your posts short about things like what you are doing throughout your day, videos of your dog doing flips, and pictures of the great rock-climbing adventure you had over the weekend.


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