Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Blonde Little Darling..

Let me start off this blog post by saying I love my little sister Jess to death, she is kind, loving, and one of my best friends. With that being said, she has the most blonde moments of anyone I have ever met, sometimes she just doesn't realize the things that come out of her mouth because of this everyone around her gets to experience laughter on a daily basis; at her expense. I would like to share with all of you readers some of those times.

Lets start off from when she was just a little girl around the age of 5 or 6. Jess was sitting at the table doing her math homework when my mom noticed her in distress. She asked what was wrong and my sister told her she was having trouble with a specific math problem. My mom then read it aloud, it was something along these lines "If 7 people are in the room and 5 leave, how many are left" Jess just couldn't get it, when my mom asked her why she didn't understand she replied with tears in her eyes; "I just don't understand where all of the people are going"

Lets now move along to a few years later. We were on a family vacation to Ocean City, Maryland and we were staying at a campground on the bay, all week the people we were with were talking about how they were going out in the bay and going on the sandbar. On a gorgeous day my friend and I invited Jess to go out to the sandbar with us, she replied "sure, but I don't have any money, can I borrow some". She really thought that in the middle of the bay there was a stand selling treats. When we laughed and told her the mistake she had made she was saying how it made sense because all week when she was out on the jet ski she just couldn't seem to locate this snack stand. During that same week Jess had yet another famous blonde moment. The place we were staying was right across from Assateague Island, which is famous for their horses that run along the beach. Jess was convinced that this place was famous for their "sea horses" that were in the water.

Now we flash to today, although my sister has become a lot better at thinking hard before she says things she still slips with these adorable moments. We work together (at the most awesome place in the world Gatwyns II), we had calamari as a special one week, a customer asked if the calamari had tentacles, Jess misunderstood and asked one of our fellow bartenders if our calamari had testicles, she didn't hear the end of that one for awhile. Then the other day we were working together when a keg of bud light kicked, she looked at me and said "we're out of bud light" I said "do you want to come back with me so you can learn how to change it" she replied "I have learned, a few times" she just cant seem to get that simple task down.

I will most definitely keep you all updated when these special moments happen. I would also like to give a special thanks to my sister for letting me share her quirkiness with the world.

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