Ah this is the time of the year when we all give thanks. Some are thankful for their loved ones, others are thankful for that great new promotion at work, and some are thankful just for life in general and all of the great things they have gone through the past year. Then after that great day of giving thanks, we ruin it by trampling each other at the mall to get T.V.'s, laptops, and the clothing items we so desperately desire.
I for one would never go out on black Friday, because it involves two things I typically do not get a ton of enjoyment out of; people and shopping. People let their crazy out on black Friday more than a girl when she finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her. People have actually died on this day from being trampled on, its insane!
I truly believe that this day is called black Friday because that is the color the shoppers souls turn as they relentlessly attempt to get the big screen T.V. and Xbox One.
My suggestion to you readers is stay home and continue to hang out with that family you're so thankful for, make a turkey sandwich with all of the leftovers you have, and begin to watch Christmas movies to get you in the spirit. Then on Monday you can participate in cyber Monday, you get most of the deals without having to leave the comfort of your own home.
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