Monday, November 25, 2013

Tis the Season...

Something I feel as though I need to address in this blog is something that may offend some of you. The holiday's are vastly approaching and when they do something starts to happen that I absolutely cannot stand! This is when parents decide it is a fabulous idea to send everyone and their mother a Christmas card with a picture of their children on it.

For example, I'm referring to something like this..
It is great that your family is so cheerful, but what the heck am I going to do with this picture? Should I hang it around my house with the other 500 I receive? Maybe frame this one because your family is so special? No, I am going to put it in a drawer and the next time I clean out that drawer (which could be years down the line) I am going to throw away this picture.

I don't think anyone has put serious thought into these cards, think about what you're saying; "Merry Christmas, here's a picture of my children" I think to myself, shit you read my list extremely wrong. If you are important to me ill see you, if I don't want to see you I certainly don't want a picture of your whole family delivered to my house. If you really want to show you are thinking of me for the holidays be my guest! Send me a card with some form of currency in it!

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