Friday, March 7, 2014

Let me take a selfie..

OH MY LORD. It really irritates me what people can make money off of. Recently, a youtube video has blown up and has even begun to play on popular radio stations, this "song" is called "#SELFIE". We are all guilty of taking the occasional selfie, some of us are guilty of taking six a day but now there is even a song about it, the musical group is called "the chain smokers" In case you have been living under a rock, take a second to look at this video.

Ladies, lets not let this be our anthem. This is why we are not taken seriously.. maybe this video will help us all to see how ridiculous we look and sound when on social media. After watching it I realized that I should keep the #Saturdayselfie and the "duck faces" to a minimum! When you watch this video are you guilty of doing and saying these things? No Shame!

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