Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Well, I am back and I felt as though my first post back should be something that has been annoying me lately, which is PDA, (Public Displays of Affection) or as I like to call it SHP (Silently Humping in Public)

I think in some couples heads they think when they are going out.. "everyone wants to watch us on top on each other tonight". Even at school people are constantly going at it all over campus. Why is it that anyone thinks that this is appropriate? Does it run through peoples minds that when they have their tongues down each others throats that they are going to win US weekly's couple of the year?

So here are my guidelines to being a "cute couple" in public

1. A smooch is okay.
2. Holding hands is precious.
3. Girl stay off his lap!
4. It's a dance floor, not a hip hop video, unless you're Lil Wayne's new extra have some respect for yourself!
5. Sit across from each other! Nothing is more irritating than when a couple sits on the same side of a booth when they are on a date, get a room!

Remember it looks like you're searching for PDA (Publicly Desperate for Attention)


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